Dealing with colours - Part 5: White & Black

Believe it or not

Formed deep within the heart of the Earth, stones contain an incredible amount of wisdom from experiencing many transformations over thousands and thousands of years. Even if your spiritual side is not strong or a big part of your day to day life, you can enjoy the benefits of crystals whether you wear them as jewellery, practice meditation with them or just place them around as home decoration.

Colours can help

Colors play a major role in our everyday life. We are affected by them psychologically to a certain extent all the time. Because of the different optical frequency each colour has, they all vibrate on another level within us. The different wavelengths of each colour are therefore picked up by our optical nerve and interpreted as a certain colour.


White is the colour of peace, purity and compassion. White is the colour of kindness. Strictly speaking, white is not a colour, but it’s the manifestation of the presence of all colour – the complete energy of light. It stands for wholeness and completion.

It is believed that because White Crystals possess all the colours, they can substitute other stones of whichever colour.

White is the colour of Monday and white gemstones are ruled by Moon.

Our favorite white stones are Agate, Jade, Moonstone, Pearls, Quartz, Selenite, Howlite.

Why white?

White stones symbolise endings and beginnings. They are connected to feminine energy and they also symbolise birth and regeneration. White stones will inspire you to do better and to dream bigger.



Black is the colour of power, mystery and calm. Black is about the absence of light and we need this shadow side for everything to stand in balance.

People assume right away that any stone or crystal that’s colour black can only bring heaviness, darkness, misfortune, pain or endings. However, black is a very strong, formal, mysterious and elegant colour!

There is a large selection of black stones and we chose a few: Agate, Black Onyx, Hematite, Obsidian, Tourmaline, Lava Stone.

Why black?

They’re very good crystals to have when you need mental fortitude. They will help you concentrate and amplify your efforts to keep unwanted elements out of your life.

Black gemstones are correlated with balance, wealth and purification of negative emotions and energy.

These gems are known to be amazing amulets at helping keep the body, mind and soul protected and this is reflected in their ability to detox and digest anything that is harmful in your system.


Mala necklaces


Dealing with colours - Part 4: Red & Orange